Cite as: Shariati, Omid; Smith, Stefan (2024): Heavy Goods Electric Vehicle (HGEV) Depot Charging Demand Modelling Software. University of Reading. Software. Copyright 2024 University of Reading. This code is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public License 3.0: The accompanying documentation is issued under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License: %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %--------------------------------Introduction to Heavy Goods Electric Vehicle (HGEV) Depot Charging----------------------------- %---------------------------------------------------Demand Modelling Software--------------------------------------------------- %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Introducing the "Heavy Goods Electric Vehicle (HGEV) Depot Charging Demand Modelling": % This software package is designed to model the charging demand profile of a fleet of Heavy Goods Electric Vehicles (HGEV) operating in a depot style. % To effectively utilise the software, the following factors must be available or defined for the model: %---Case Factors: %--- 1) Size of the Fleet: Number of vehicles in the fleet. %--- 2) Specific Energy Consumption: Energy consumption per unit distance for the fleet vehicles. Averaging may be required depending on the data available. %--- 3) Battery Capacity: Capacity of the batteries installed in the vehicles. %--- 4) Charge Point Power: Power rating of the charging points available at the depot. %---Country/Operating Zone Based Factors: %--- 1) Daily Travelled Distance: The average distance travelled by vehicles in the country/operational zone. (Currently set for the UK) % In a depot operational style, the fleet returns to the depot at the end of its duty, and the vehicle batteries are fully recharged overnight to be ready % for the next daily operation. To quantify the demand of the fleet, the model has been developed with the consideration of an unmanaged charging strategy. % In the current strategy, the model takes into account the main parameters of the fleet and the depot, along with the start and end times for the charging % events. Based on the state of charge of the fleet and the available charging power at the depot, the software generates the demand profile for individual % vehicles and the total demand of the fleet. This demand profile reflects the load faced by the network during the recharge time of the fleet. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %---Note: Before proceeding, please unzip the folder "" and carefully follow the instructions provided in the %---"Application Guide" file located within. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------