How to cite this Dataset
Reeves, Laura (2024): Data on the efficacy and interactions of two natural enemy species (Anthocoris nemoralis and Forficula auricularia) for the biological control of pear psyllid (Cacopsylla pyri), Kent, UK. University of Reading. Dataset.
This dataset contains behavioural response data for Anthocoris nemoralis and Forficula auricularia under two different temperature regimes (current and RCP8.5), within microcosms in controlled temperature cabinets. Behaviours (feeding, moving, moving leaf, antennating, cleaning and stationary and interacting) were assessed during the night (after 2hrs dark) and day (after 2hrs light) and position (top, middle, bottom and shelter) within the microcosm was also recorded.
The dataset also contains the amount of Cacopsylla pyri consumed by A. nemoralis and F. auricularia within microcosms after 24hrs and whether the predator species has also survived. This is for two different temperature regimes (current and RCP8.5) and predator treatments are A. nemoralis and F. auricularia on their own or both species together.
The dataset includes a survival analysis, the survival of anthocorids (A. nemoralis) (hrs), in a petri dish alongside earwigs (F. auricularia) and a control treatment of anthocorid survival without an earwig present. This occurred at two different temperature regimes (current and RCP8.5), with anthocorid survival being assessed after 6hrs, 12hrs and then every 12 hrs for 10 days.
Finally, the dataset contains an olfactometry analysis where F. auricularia chooses between two arms within an olfactometer, at two temperature regimes (current and RCP8.5). arms containing different prey species, either anthocorids (A. nemoralis), pear psyllid nymphs (C. pyri) or no food as a control treatment. Time taken to decide on an arm was recorded, alongside whether the decision was for a prey item or not.
Resource Type: | Dataset |
Creators: | Reeves, Laura |
Rights-holders: | University of Reading |
Data Publisher: | University of Reading |
Publication Year: | 2024 |
Data last accessed: | 11 March 2025 |
DOI: | |
Metadata Record URL: | |
Organisational units: | Life Sciences > School of Agriculture, Policy and Development > Department of Sustainable Land Management > Centre for Agri-environmental Research (CAER) |
Participating Organisations: | University of Reading, National Institute of Agricultural Botany |
Keywords: | pear psyllid, natural enemies, interference competition, intraguild predation, anthocorids, earwigs, temperature |
Rights: | |
Data Availability: | OPEN |