Column,Description ,Abbreviations/ Coding instructions Number,Identification number of the paper , Paper name,Authors and year, Diagnosis,Diagnosis of the impaired group,DLD = Developmental language disorder; DLD + DYS = DLD and Dyslexia; SLI = Specific Language Impairment; SLI+ WM = SLI and working memory impairment MeanAge_TD,Mean age in months of Typically Developing group, MeanAge_impaired,Mean age in months of group with language impairment, SDAge_TD,Standard deviation age in months of Typically Developing group, SDAge_impaired,Standard deviation age in months of group with language impairment, Exp_voc_test,Test used for the assessment of participants' expressive vocabulary ,"EVT = Expressive Vocabulary Test; EOWPVT = Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test (Brownell); EVALO = Batterie d'évaluation du language de l'enfant, Goralnik = The Goralnik Screening Test for Hebrew; NamingACE 6-11= Assessment of Comprehension and Expression 6-11;TEV =Tavor Expressive Vocabulary Test" Rec_voc_test,Test used for the assessment of participants' receptive vocabulary ,BPVS= British Picture Vocabulary Scale; NIH_Vocab = the vocabulary subtest; from the NIH Toolbox; PPVT_rs = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test raw score; PPVT_Ss = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test standard score; ROWPVT = Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test (Brownell) VSTM_test,Test used to assess verbal short term memory, D_span_F = digit span ( forward); syllab_span= syllable span ;W_span_F = word span ( forward) VWM_test,Test used to assess verbal working memory,D_span_B = digit span ( backward) NVIQ_test,Test used to assess non verbal IQ, BAS_block_building = British Ability Scales Block Building Subtest; Block _Design_WPPSI = Block Design subtest of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI); Block _Design_WASI = Block design subtest of The Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; CMMS_Ss = Columbia Memntal Maturity scale standard score; Comp_WASI = composite score from the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence-II Performance Index (WASI); KABC= Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children; KBIT =The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test; Mat_reas_WASI = Matrix Reasoning subtest of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; Perc_reas_WISC= Perceptual Reasoning Index of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV; Raven_mat = Raven's Matrices standard score; Raven_mat_RAW = Raven's Matrices raw score; RIAS = Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales; TONI= Test of Nonverbal Intelligence Number of words,Number of targets used in the paradigm, Max length,Maximum length of the targets ( in syllables), Instruction,Type of instructions given to the child during the task ,Explicit; Implicit Condition,If the data needs to be pooled this column specifies across what conditions, Exposure,Number of times the target ( phonological form and meaning together) was presented , Sample,Identification number of independent samples , Effect,This column assign an identification number to each effect that will be calculated. If the study included multiple datapoint for consolidation we only considered the last observation and assigned number to that one only, Pool,Assign the same number to the rows with data the needs to be pooled together in the analysis ,LP/HD= Low probability and high density;LP/LD= Low probability and low density;HP/HD= High probability and high density;HP/LD= High probability and low density; Period,Phase of word learning ,Encoding= Participants are tested immediately after the first session of training; Consolidation = Tested after additional day or days of training; Retention = Tested after at least 24 hours from the last training session Time from start of period,Specifies on what day of the experimental procedure the data was collected ,Encoding =1 Time_gap,When retention is testes specify how long after the last training (number of days) , Time_group,This is to identify different datapoints belonging to the same study ,if the study only observed one datapoint (Encoding) assign 0. if the study has multiple datapoints assign the same number to each row corrispoinding to a differen datapoint of the same study. Start numebring form 1 Task,Outcome measure used ,"Comprehension, description, naming, recognition" N_TD,Sample size of typically developing group, N_impaired,Sample size of group with language impairment, Metrics,Unit used to calculate the score ,"Numb_correct_items= NUmber of correct items; Numb_correct_resposes= Number of correct responses; Perc_correct_consonants = Peercentage correct consontants produced, Perc_correct_item s= Percentage correct items; Perc_correct_resp = percentage of correct responses, Prop_correct_items = Proportion of correct items;" Mean_TD_pre,Mean score of typically developing group at the baseline assessment corresponding to encoding , Mean_impaired_pre,Mean score of language impaired group at the baseline assessment corresponding to encoding , SD_TD_pre,Standard deviation of typically developing group at the baseline assessment corresponding to encoding , SD_impaired_pre,Standard deviation of language impaired group at the baseline assessment corresponding to encoding , Mean_TD_post,Mean score of typically developing group at the later stages of the experimental task , Mean_impaired_post,Mean score of language impaired group at the later stages of the experimental task , SD_TD_post,Standard deviation of typically developing group at the later stages of the experimental task , SD_impaired_post,Standard deviation of language impaired group at the later stages of the experimental task , MeanRec_voc_td,Mean score of typically developing group on the assessment of receptive vocabulary , MeanRec_voc_impaired,Mean score of language impaired group on the assessment of receptive vocabulary, SDRec_voc_td,Standard deviation of typically developing group on the assessment of receptive vocabulary , SDRec_voc_impaired,Standard deviation of language impaired group on the assessment of receptive vocabulary, MeanExpr_voc_td,Mean score of typically developing group on the assessment of expressive vocabulary , MeanExpr_voc_impaired,Mean score of language impaired group on the assessment of expressive vocabulary, SDExpr_voc_td,Standard deviation of typically developing group on the assessment of expressive vocabulary , SDExpr_voc_impaired,Standard deviation of language impaired group on the assessment of expressive vocabulary, MeanCELFcore_TD,Mean score of typically developing group on CELF core , MeanCELFcore_impaired,Mean score of language impaired group on CELF core , SDCELFcore_TD,Standard deviation of typically developing group on CELF core , SDCELFcore_impaired,Standard deviation of language impaired group on CELF core , Mean_NWRT_TD,Mean score of typically developing group on non-word repetition task, Mean_NWRT_imapired,Mean score of language impaired group on non-word repetition task, SD_NWRT_TD,Standard deviation of typically developing group on non-word repetition task, SD_NWRT_imapired,Standard deviation of language impaired group on non-word repetition task, MeanVSTM_TD,Mean score of typically developing group on assessment of verbal short term memory, MeanVSTM_impaired,Mean score of language impaired group on assessment of verbal short term memory, SDVSTM_TD,Standard deviation of typically developing group on assessment of verbal short term memory, SDVSTM_impaired,Standard deviation of language impaired group on assessment of verbal short term memory, MeanVWM_TD,Mean score of typically developing group on assessment of verbal working memory, MeanVWM_impaired,Mean score of language impaired group on assessment of verbal working memory, SDVWM_TD,Standard deviation of typically developing group on assessment of verbal working memory, SDVWM_impaired,Standard deviation of language impaired group on assessment of verbal working memory, MeanNVIQ_TD,Mean score of typically developing group on assessment of non verbal IQ, MeanNVIQ_impaired,Mean score of language impaired group on assessment of non verbal IQ, SDNVIQ_TD,Standard deviation of typically developing group on assessment of non verbal IQ, SDNVIQ_impaired,Standard deviation of language impaired group on assessment of non verbal IQ,