S.N.,Represents the serial number Group.ID,"Numerical Identification of the groups, 1 for Bilinguals and 2 for Monolinguals" Group,Name of the groups Participants,Participants are given numeric Identification Pic,Picture stimuli that were presented as items Itemnumber,Number of the items log.frequency,logarithmic frequency of each item AoA,Age of acquisition value of each item Syllable,Number of syllables Cycle,Number of cycles Set,Number of set pos_in_cyc,position in the cycle pos_in_set,position in the set homo-het,"whether the set is homogenous or heterogenous, 1 for homogenous and 2 for heterogenous" Order,Order of presentation Response,"Response whether correct or incorrect, correct represented as correct and incorrect responses were transcribed verbatim" Code,"1 for correct response, 0 for incorrect response" RT,"Reaction time for each correct response, NA for incorrect response"