1. ABOUT THE DATASET ------------ Title: Monthly-mean radiative forcings following an increase in methane from 750 ppb to 1800 ppb. Creator(s): Rachael Byrom[1], Keith Shine[1] Organisation(s): 1. University of Reading Rights-holder(s): Dr Rachael Byrom, University of Reading Publication Year: 2022 Description: Monthly-mean radiative forcings following an increase in atmospheric methane from 750 ppb to 1800 ppb. Forcings are calculated at a 5 degree by 5 degree spatial resolution by the radiative transfer code SOCRATES-RF following the method stated in Byrom and Shine (2022) (see related publication for citation). This dataset is used to derive methane's instantaneous shortwave radiative forcing and its total shortwave radiative effect (i.e. including the impact of methane's shortwave absorption bands on methane's longwave stratospheric temperature adjusted radiative forcing). These calculations include satellite measurements of methane's distribution and spectrally-varying surface albedo, and include absorption of solar mid-infrared radiation by methane's 7.6 micron band. Cite as: Byrom, R. E., and Shine, K. P. (2022): Monthly-mean radiative forcings following an increase in methane from 750 ppb to 1800 ppb. University of Reading. Dataset. http://dx.doi.org/10.17864/1947.000396 Related publication: Byrom, R. E., and Shine K. P. (2022). Methane's Solar Radiative Forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, Accepted. Contact: rachael.byrom@cicero.oslo.no, k.p.shine@reading.ac.uk 2. TERMS OF USE ----------------- This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ------------ Title: Methane's Solar Radiative Forcing Dates: 2016-2021 Funding organisation: NERC Scenario Doctoral Training Partnership Grant no.: NE/L002566/1 4. CONTENTS ------------ File listing All netCDF files in each .zip folder are monthly-mean model output from the radiative transfer code SOCRATES-RF. These model simulations calculated methane's radiative forcing following a perturbation from 750 ppb to 1800 ppb (for methods see Byrom and Shine, 2022). Monthly-mean-all-sky-FDH-LW-only.zip - 12 netCDFs containing atmospheric variables, heating rates, instantaneous radiative forcing and stratospheric temperature adjusted radiative forcing calculated using the fixed-dynamical heating approximation. Output is calculated under all-sky conditions with heating rates and radiative forcings derived solely from methane's absorption of longwave radiation i.e. these simualtions do not include methane's absoprtion of shortwave radiation. Monthly-mean-all-sky-FDH.zip - 12 netCDFs containing atmospheric variables, heating rates, instantaneous radiative forcing and stratospheric temperature adjusted radiative forcing calculated using the fixed-dynamical heating approximation. Output is calculated under all-sky conditions with heating rates and radiative forcings derived from methane's absorption of both shortwave and longwave radiation. Monthly-mean-clear-sky-IRF.zip - 12 netCDFs containing atmospheric variables, heating rates and instantaneous radiative forcing calculated under clear-sky conditions and derived from methane's absorption of both shortwave and longwave radiation. 5. METHODS -------------------------- This dataset is used to derive methane's solar shortwave radiative forcing following a perturbation from 750 ppb to 1800 ppb. The full methodology of the calculation of this forcing is given in Byrom and Shine (2022) (see related publication for citation). This dataset presents the first spatially-resolved calculation of methane's total shortwave radiative effect (i.e. it includes the impact of methane's shortwave absorption on methane's longwave stratospheric temperature adjusted radiative forcing). These radiative forcing calculations include satellite measurements of methane's stratospheric distribution and spectrally-varying surface albedo, and include absorption of solar mid-infrared radiation by methane's 7.6 micron band.