Title: Data supporting ethnobotanical insights from an historical herbarium: the Samuel Browne collections from early modern India. Creator(s): Prakash, Ranee Om (2022) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5727-2427. University of Reading Rights-holder(s):Prakash, Ranee Om Publication Year: 2022 Description: These files are eAppendices containing ethnobotanical data collected from several locations in peninsular India (southeast India- Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, southwest India- Kerala) and Sri Lanka which are part of a PhD Thesis. The data is generated from existing literature resources from late 17th century to modern century up to 2021. The data is in tabular format. These are excel spreadsheets saved as .csv files. Cite as: Prakash, Ranee Om (2022): Data supporting ethnobotanical insights from an historical herbarium: the Samuel Browne collections from early modern India. University of Reading. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17864/1947.000423 Related publications: 1) Prakash, Ranee Om., Carine, M.A., Hawkins, J.A., Whiteford, C., V.Sampath Kumar, Dason, A., Thakur, R.S. (in preparation) : Identification of Samuel Browne’s late 17th century herbarium specimens collected from Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Taxon. 2) Prakash, Ranee Om., Hawkins, J.A., Carine, M.A., V. Sampath Kumar., Dason, A. (in preparation). Variation in traditional knowledge of medicinal plants in 17th century Southeast India. Plants, People, Planet. Acknowledgements: Thanks to my supervisors Prof Julie A. Hawkins and Dr Mark Carine for contributing to the design and analysis of this dataset. I would also like to acknowledge Manilal, K.S. and Remesh, M. 2009. An analysis of the data on the medicinal plants recorded in Hortus Malabaricus. Centre for Research in Indigenous Knowledge Science & Culture, 5 & 6: 24-72 which I referred as part of this study. 2. TERMS OF USE ------------ Copyright 2022 Prakash, Ranee Om. This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.] 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ------------ Title: Ethnobotanical insights from an historical herbarium: the Samuel Browne collections from early modern India Dates: 2016-2022 Funding organisation: This work is produced as part of a PhD thesis. Grant no. This dataset was not created in the course of a funded project. 4. CONTENTS ------------ File listing For eAppendices 4 and 5 cited in PhD thesis, worksheets for example 4.1 are supplied here as eAppendixworksheet_4_1.csv, 4.2 as eAppendixworksheet_4_2.csv, 5.1 as eAppendixworksheet_5_1.csv, 5.2 as eAppendixworksheet_5_2.csv, 5.3 as eAppendixworksheet_5_3.csv, 5.4 as eAppendixworksheet_5_4.csv, 5.5 as eAppendixworksheet_5_5.csv, 5.6 as eAppendixworksheet_5_6.csv eAppendixworksheet_4_1.csv TK (Traditional Knowledge) and biomedical categories scored all the three sources (SB= Samuel Browne from Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh), Van Rheede (Kerala) & Hermann (Sri Lanka) as per Staub et al. (2015) eAppendixworksheet_4_2.csv Distribution of species across all the three sources (SB= Samuel Browne from Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh), Van Rheede (Kerala) & Hermann (Sri Lanka) as per Plants of the World Online (2021) eAppendixworksheet_5_1.csv List of papers referred for contemporary studies eAppendixworksheet_5_2.csv Vernacular names as recorded in historical study, Gurudeva (2001) and if the species are listed in the modern Pharmacopoeias (Indian Materia Medica) and Siddha Pharmacopoeia eAppendixworksheet_5_3.csv Vernacular names as listed in historical study, Gurudeva (2001) and the contemporary studies eAppendixworksheet_5_4.csv TAs (therapeutic applications) for SB and contemporary studies eAppendixworksheet_5_5.csv Mode of Application (MoA) and Plant Parts (PPs) for contemporary studies eAppendixworksheet_5_6.csv Plant Parts (PPs) and MoA for SB 5. METHODS ----------- These eAppendices are produced as part of PhD thesis. Detailed materials and methods used in capturing this data are available in Chapters 4 and 5 of the PhD thesis. The data from existing literature resources was collected in tabular format in excel spreadsheets and supplied here as .csv file. The supervisors Prof Julie A. Hawkins and Dr Mark Carine contributed to the design and analysis of the dataset.