Subject,Include,Uncertain,Exclude,Notes sub-001,1,,,"anat good, func nii looks good, no notes file, movement ok, 242 vols (all quant checks good), motion at vol 35 not fully correction with motion correction but will accept." sub-002,1,,,"anat good, quite a lot of motion in func but max values acceptable, min SNR is for the very end slice so will accept - still a bit of motion after correction - will accept for now" sub-003,,,1,exclude on the basis of motion >5 movements >.5mm - actually moved fewer times than 002 so still considering 002 sub-004,1,,,"bit of motion in func but not above our thresholds - quite a lot of eye-based signal change around volume 125 - motion correction did an okay job (not perfect) - motion worse than 002, also Mean voxel time course of bins shows some signal issues after motion " sub-005,1,,, sub-006,1,,, sub-007,,,, sub-008,,,, sub-009,,,, sub-010,,,, sub-011,,,, sub-012,,,, sub-013,,,1,moved the whole scan - 133 movements >.1mm - motion correction did not help sub-014,1,,,>44 movements >.1mm but motion correction worked quite well sub-015,1,,,"min SNR is 79 but was end slice, couple of volumes with hyperintensities in mean voxel time course, raw data looks okay" sub-016,,1,,"poor SNR for 5 to 6 slices on end, mean voxel time course shows some hyperintense volumes - these are due to signal outside of the brain - would argue that this is also what the SNR is about" sub-017,,,1,"excluding on motion (38 movements >.5mm, max absolute motion 6mm)" sub-018,,,1,"max absolute motion 2.3mm (quite large), results in large hyperintensity in mean voxel time course. Motion correction caused a crazy amount of smoothing" sub-019,1,,,"max absolute movement 1.87mm, low SNR for end 3 slices" sub-020,1,,,"poor SNR end 4 slices, motion corrected data look good" sub-021,,,1,"108 movements >.1mm, SNR low for end 5 to 7 slices, a lot of aliasing in bottom 8 slices" sub-022,,,1,"hypointensity in mean voxel time course, low SNR in 6 to 9 end slices, 130 movements >.1mm and 5>.5mm, max absolute movement >2mm" sub-023,1,,,"low SNR only on end slice, movement not too bad" sub-024,,,1,"low SNR in first 5-9 slices, 290 relative movements >.1mm (3*>.5mm), high variance in voxel intensity across whole brain, still heaps of movement in motion corrected func" sub-025,1,,,"low SNR in first 4-8 slices, 115 relative movements >.1 none >.5mm, motion correction did a good job - in theory should exclude because of SNR but I would be tempted not to." sub-026,,,1,exclude based on 10 relative movements >.5mm sub-027,,,1,exclude based on 6 relative movements >.5mm sub-028,1,,,"bit of wrap around in functional image (could be fixed with postprocessing), 133 relative movements >.1mm but none >.5mm, still quite a lot of movement after motion correction but will include anyway" sub-029,,,1,exclude based on 10 relative movements >.5mm sub-030,1,,, sub-101,1,,, sub-102,,,1,1 relative movement > voxel size at end of scan sub-103,1,,, sub-104,1,,,"max absolute movement 1.57mm, SNR good, " sub-105,,,, sub-106,,,, sub-107,,,, sub-108,,,, sub-109,1,,, sub-110,1,,, sub-111,1,,,ringing in anatomical image but registration should be okay sub-112,1,,, sub-113,1,,, sub-114,1,,, sub-115,,,1,1 relative movement > voxel size at start of scan sub-116,1,,, sub-117,1,,, sub-118,,,1,different voxel size and 6 relative movements >.5mm sub-119,,1,,motion parameters don't exceed thresholds we set but 5 relative movements > .5mm and still quite a bit of motion after motion correction sub-120,1,,,max absolute movement 1.66mm sub-201,1,,, sub-202,1,,, sub-203,1,,, sub-204,1,,, sub-205,,,, sub-206,,,, sub-207,,,, sub-208,,,, sub-209,1,,, sub-210,,1,,bad signal loss in frontal cortex sub-211,1,,, sub-212,1,,, sub-213,1,,, sub-214,1,,, sub-215,1,,, sub-216,1,,, sub-217,1,,, sub-218,1,,,max absolute movement 1.5mm but image looks okay sub-219,1,,, sub-220,1,,, sub-301,1,,, sub-302,1,,, sub-303,1,,, sub-304,1,,, sub-305,,,, sub-306,,,, sub-307,,,, sub-308,1,,, sub-309,1,,, sub-310,1,,, sub-311,1,,, sub-312,1,,, sub-313,1,,, sub-314,,,1,aliasing in middle slices - similar to that seen from eye movement with multiband sub-315,,1,,similar aliasing between temporal and frontal cortices sub-316,1,,, sub-401,1,,, sub-402,1,,, sub-403,1,,, sub-404,,1,,a bit of aliasing from the eye but not too bad sub-405,,1,,aliasing obvious in sum of squared scaled difference over time figure and fun image sub-406,1,,, sub-407,1,,, sub-408,,,, sub-409,,,, sub-410,,,, sub-411,,,, sub-412,1,,, sub-413,1,,, sub-414,1,,, sub-415,,,1,aliasing obvious in sum of squared scaled difference over time figure sub-416,,1,,poor contrast in lower slices sub-417,1,,, sub-418,1,,, sub-419,1,,, sub-420,1,,, sub-421,1,,, sub-422,1,,,max absolute movement 1.51mm sub-423,,1,,bit of aliasing from the eyes sub-701,1,,,104 movements >.1mm sub-702,1,,, sub-703,,,,"188 movements>.1, 3 above .5, max absolute 1.79, ringing in anatomical, motion correction looked okay - even if a littleblurry" sub-704,1,,, sub-705,,,, sub-706,,,, sub-707,,,, sub-708,,,, sub-709,1,,, sub-710,1,,, sub-711,1,,, sub-712,,,1,"large signal changes in mean voxel time course figure, 104 movements >.1mm, even motion corrected data are messy" sub-713,,1,,still a fair amount of motion even after motion correction - identified visually sub-714,,,1,22 movments >.5mm sub-715,,,1,"106 movements >.1mm, still a lot of motion even after motion correction" sub-716,,,1,"115 movements >.1 and 2 >.5mm, a lot of motion even after motion correction - visual inspection" sub-717,1,,, sub-718,1,,, sub-719,,,1,lesion in left ventricle sub-720,1,,,looks like there is something in the ventricles but doesn't seem to be affecting the data