1. PROJECT ------------ Title: Electrical measurements during fog in the United Arab Emirates Dates: 02/21 – 12/21 in the UAE ; 12/20 – 01/21 in the UK 2. DATASET ------------ Title: Dataset for 'Electrical measurements during fog in the United Arab Emirates' Description: This dataset contains potential gradient and visibility within the paper 'Electrical measurements during fog in the United Arab Emirates' by Alkamali, A., Ambaum, M.H.P., Nicoll, K.A., (2023). The measurements were obtained at Sanad Academy, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) (24°56' N, 55°30' E) in the year 2021; and from Reading University Atmospheric Observatory (RUAO), UK in the year 2020-21 (December-January). The data has been used within this paper to study and compare the electrical properties of fog in the UAE and the UK. Electric field was measured by a Campbell CS110 electric field mill at 3m height (which was then converted to potential gradient using electric field = -potential gradient). Visibility was measured by a Biral SWS-100 visibility sensor on the same mast as the CS110. Publication Year: 2023 Creator(s): Ahmad Alkamali, Prof. Maarten Ambaum, Dr. Keri Nicoll Organisation(s): University of Reading Rights-holder(s): Ahmad Alkamali and University of Reading Cite as: Alkamali, Ahmad, Ambaum, Maarten and Nicoll, Keri (2023): Dataset for 'Electrical measurements during fog in the United Arab Emirates'. University of Reading. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17864/1947.000501 Related publication: Alkamali, Ahmad A., Ambaum, Maarten H. P. and Nicoll, Keri A. (2024) Electrical measurements during fog in the United Arab Emirates. Atmospheric Research, 307. 107469. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107469 3. TERMS OF USE ----------------- Copyright 2023 Ahmad Alkamali and University of Reading.This dataset is licensed by the rights-holder(s) under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 4. CONTENTS ------------ Two zip folders are included within the dataset: Folder 1: Sanad_2021.zip Folder 2: UK_Data.zip The contents of each folder will now be described below. Folder 1 contains potential gradient and visibility data (in the UAE) per month (starting from February 2021) used within the paper for the year 2021. Files are distributed per month, with potential gradient and visibility data measured at 1-minute resolution. Column headings in each file are as follows: Time = Date/Time stamp (in UAE LT (UTC+4)), Potential Gradient (PG) (V/m), Visibility (km). Folder 2 contains potential gradient and visibility data in the UK used within the paper for the year 2020-21 (December to January). Potential gradient files are separated into 4 files (PG1 to PG4) and starts from 00:00 UTC December 30th, 2020 to 23:59 UTC January 10th, 2021, with potential gradient measured at 1 Hz. The folder also contains one visibility data file for the same period, with visibility measured at 5-minute resolution. Column headings in the files are as follows: For the potential gradient files: TOA5 = Date/Time stamp (in UTC - per second), Potential gradient (PG) (V/m). For the visibility file: TimeStamp = Date/Time stamp (in UTC – every 5-minutes), Inst MOR = Instantaneous Met. Optical Range (m), Avg MOR = Average Met. Optical Range (m), Present Weather code, Vis Obstruction code. 5. METHOD and PROCESSING -------------------------- All data provided are the raw data from the sensors, except the potential gradient in Folder 1 which was averaged to 1 minute mean values. For each of the different measurement types, details of the sensors used and a link to the manufacturer user manuals is provided below. Electric field was measured by a Campbell CS110 electric field mill at 3m height. https://s.campbellsci.com/documents/us/manuals/cs110.pdf Visibility was measured by a Biral SWS-100 visibility sensor on the same mast as the CS110. https://www.biral.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/SWS-Manual-105223.08B.pdf