1. ABOUT THE DATASET ------------ Title: Dataset supporting 'Inulin-type fructans and 2’fucosyllactose alter both microbial composition and appear to alleviate stress-induced mood state in a working population compared to placebo (maltodextrin): the EFFICAD Trial, a randomized, controlled trial' Creator(s): Peter Jackson (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0098-4719) Organisation(s): University of Reading Rights-holder(s): Beneo GmbH Publication Year: 2023 Description: This dataset was collected as part of my PhD thesis titled 'An exploration of the prebiotic concept: from food matrix to mood state'. Data was collected from adults in the Berkshire, Hampshire and Dorset area aged 18-50 with mild-to-moderate levels of anxiety and depression. The aim of this study was to determine the effects that the probiotic oligofructose and prebiotic candidate 2'fucosyllactose alone and in combination had on microbial composition and mood state. The study design was a five-week, four-arm parallel, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial involving 92 adults. Volunteers were screened for eligibility and if deemed acceptable were randomly assigned into one of four groups: oligofructose, 2'fucosyllactose, oligofructose/2'fucosyllactose combination or maltodextrin. The trial was separated into 2 periods: a one-week run-in phase and a four-week intervention phase. During the one-week run-in phase volunteers completed a daily bowel habit diary to capture day-to-day variations prior to intervention. Volunteers provided baseline stool, urine and salvia samples and were asked to complete several baseline mood state questionnaires and a 3-day food dairy. Volunteers then consumed their assigned supplement for four-weeks along with completing a daily bowel habit diary. At completion volunteers again provided stool, urine and saliva samples and completed a 2nd round of mood state questionnaires along with submitting another 3-day food questionnaire. Changes in faecal microbial load and composition were analysed via fluorescence in situ hybridisation and 16S rRNA sequencing. Urine samples were analysed via 1H-NMR, TOPSPIN and SIMCA software. Saliva samples were analysed via ELISA assay. Mood state, bowel habit and food diary data were collected using REDCap. The dataset is in xlsx format. Cite as: Jackson, P. P. J. (2023): Data supporting 'Inulin-type fructans and 2’fucosyllactose alter both microbial composition and appear to alleviate stress-induced mood state in a working population compared to placebo (maltodextrin): the EFFICAD Trial, a randomized, controlled trial'. University of Reading. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17864/1947.000509 Related publication: Jackson et al., (2023): Inulin-type fructans and 2’fucosyllactose alter both microbial composition and appear to alleviate stress-induced mood state in a working population compared to placebo (maltodextrin): the EFFICAD Trial, a randomized, controlled trial. AJCN, 118 (5), pp. 938-955. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.08.016 Additional information can be found in my thesis: Jackson, Peter (2023). An exploration of the prebiotic concept: from food matrix to mood state. Volume II: Effect of prebiotics and prebiotic candidates on microbial composition and mood sates – Chapter 4 – Inulin-type fructans and 2’fucosyllactose alter both microbial composition and appear to alleviate stress induced mood state in a working population: A double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial. PhD thesis, University of Reading, DOI: https://doi.org/10.48683/1926.00117328 Contact: Contact: Prof Bob Rastall, Department of Nutrition and Food Science, University of Reading mail: r.a.rastall@reading.ac.uk 2. TERMS OF USE ------------ Copyright Beneo GmbH 2023. This dataset is available to authorised users subject to a Data Access Agreement between the University of Reading and a recipient organisation. A copy of the University of Reading Data Access Agreement is included with this item. To request access to the database, please complete a data access request at https://redcap.link/data-request. 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ------------ Title: Effect of food matrix on prebiotic efficacy of inulin-type fructans Dates: 2019-2023 Funding organisation: Beneo-Institute, Beneo GmbH, Obrigheim, Germany 4. CONTENTS ------------ File listing Title: EFFICAD_Trial_Dataset.xlsx The dataset contains the following individual level participant information: - Participant metrics age (y), height (cm), weight (kg), BMI (kg/m2) - PHQ-9 and GAD-7 scores - Nutrient data - Total kcals, Total CHO, Total Protein, Total fat, saturated fat, Total sugar, Fiber (all expressed as grams per day) - BDI scores - STAI Y1 scores - STAI Y2 scores - PANAS-SF scores - PSQI scores - CAR values (ng/mL) - Stool consistency weekly scores - Stool frequency weekly scores - Flatulence weekly scores - Intestinal bloating weekly scores - Abdominal pressure weekly scores - Abdominal Pain weekly scores - Feeling of Fullness weekly scores - Fold Change data - EUB I,II,II (Total bacteria counts) - Counts are expressed as Log10 cells/g wet faeces - Bif164 (Bifidobacterium spp) - Counts are expressed as Log10 cells/g wet faeces - Bifidobacterium QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Bacteroides QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Prevotella QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Alistipes QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Roseburia QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Faecalibacterium QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Ruminococcus QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Ruminococcus 2 QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Clostridium Cluster 14A&B QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Eubacterium QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Coprococcus QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Lactobacillus_Enterococcus QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Anaerostipes QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Akkermansia QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Blautia QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Desulfovibrio QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Lachnospoir invertase sedia QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Dorea QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Collinsella QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Flavonifractor QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Gemmiger QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Actinomycetota QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Bacteroidota QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Pseudmonadota QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Verrucomicrobiota QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Euryarchaeota QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Mycoplasmatota QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Fusobacteria QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - Bacillota QMP counts - Counts are expressed as cell/gram faeces - 1H NMR spectra data Key - OF = Oligofructose - Malto = Maltodextrin - OF/2'FL = Oligofructose/2'fucosyllactose - 2'FL = 2'fucosyllactose - PHQ-9 = Patient Health Questionnaire -9 - GAD-7 = Generalised Anxiety Disorder -7 - CHO = Total Carbohydrates - BDI = Beck Depression Inventory - STAI-Y1 = State Trait Anxiety Inventory Y1 - STAI-Y2 = State Trait Anxiety Inventory Y2 - PANAS-SF = Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - Short Form - PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index - CAR = Cortisol Awakening Response - EUB I,II,II - Total Bacteria - Bif164 - Bifidobacterium spp. - QMP - Quantitative Microbiome Profiling EFFICAD_Original_reads - EFFICAD_Trial_Original_fastq.zip - Contains all 16S rRNA fastq files for individual participants at D0 and D28 of the intervention Key - OF = Oligofructose - Malto = Maltodextrin - OF/2FL = Oligofructose/2'fucosyllactose - 2FL = 2'fucosyllactose - D0 = Day 0 - D28 = Day 28 - S = sample - R1 = Read 1 - R2 = Read 2 5. METHODS ----------- A detailed description of methodology can be found in my thesis as well in the published article. Please refer to the publication below: Jackson et al., (2023) Inulin-type fructans and 2’fucosyllactose alter both microbial composition and appear to alleviate stress-induced mood state in a working population compared to placebo (maltodextrin): the EFFICAD Trial, a randomized, controlled trial. AJCN. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.08.016