These data relate to the paper 'Numerical Simulations of the Impact of the 20 March 2015 eclipse on UK Weather.' by Prof.Peter A. Clark, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, to be published in Philosopical Transactions A. The data were generated using the 'UKV' variable resolution forecast model in precisely the configuration used by the Met Office on the day of the eclipse. The simulations are based on version 9.0 of the Met Office's Unified Model (MetUM The precise configuration is designated in the Met Office as 'Parallel Suite 35' (PS35), which includes a new dynamical core (ENDGAME) based upon iterative solution, and a 'blended' version of the boundary-layer scheme (in the high-resolution model), the main impact of which, at these resolutions, is to use horizontal mixing based upon that diagnosed in the vertical direction within the boundary layer. Two runs were performed (detailed in the paper). Both use initial and boundary conditions used by the 03 UTC run of UKV on 20/03/2015. One run reproduces the operational run, taking no account of the eclipse, the second includes the simulated impact of the eclipse on n incoming solar radiation. Data from the model have been split into .zip archives containing data from different sections of the model with section number designated 'yy' below. Section zero (multi-level prognostics) have one file per prognostic variable. Other sections lump all the data from a section into one zipfile. s yy i xxx correspond to standard MetUM STASH section and item codes. Two families of data are available: and - data without the impact of the eclipse. and - data with the impact of the eclipse. Each .zip file contains netcdf files of the form or where xxx is the variable id. The following variable ids are available: m01s00 s00i004 THETA AFTER TIMESTEP s00i010 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AFTER TIMESTEP s00i024 SURFACE TEMPERATURE AFTER TIMESTEP s00i033 OROGRAPHY (/STRAT LOWER BC) s00i255 EXNER PRESSURE (RHO) AFTER TIMESTEP s00i407 PRESSURE AT RHO LEVELS AFTER TS s00i408 PRESSURE AT THETA LEVELS AFTER TS s00i409 SURFACE PRESSURE AFTER TIMESTEP m01s03 s03i217 SURFACE SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX W/M2 s03i223 SURFACE TOTAL MOISTURE FLUX KG/M2/S s03i225 10 METRE WIND U-COMP B GRID s03i226 10 METRE WIND V-COMP B GRID s03i236 TEMPERATURE AT 1.5M s03i237 SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT 1.5M s03i304 TURBULENT MIXING HT AFTER B.LAYER m s03i476 COMBINED BOUNDARY LAYER TYPE m01s09 s09i202 VERY LOW CLOUD AMOUNT s09i203 LOW CLOUD AMOUNT s09i204 MEDIUM CLOUD AMOUNT s09i205 HIGH CLOUD AMOUNT s09i210 CLOUD BASE ASL COVER.GT.2.5 OCTA KFT m01s15 s15i002 U WIND ON MODEL LEVELS B GRID s15i003 V WIND ON MODEL LEVELS B GRID m01s16 s16i222 PRESSURE AT MEAN SEA LEVEL