1. ABOUT THE DATASET ------------ Title: Data on the presence or absence of at least one geotagged Wikipedia page and/or Flickr photo, for designated areas in England. Creator(s): Merry Crowson Organisation(s): Department of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Reading Publication Year: 2023 Description: Presence or absence of at least one geotagged Wikipedia page and/or at least one Flickr photo in designated areas in England. There is also information on various characteristics of each designated area (the size of the designated area, population density, distance to the closest urban centre, species richness, maximum height of the landscape in the designated area, coastal location (T/F), waterbody present (T/F), river in the designated area (T/F) and number of public transport links in the designated area). Cite as: Crowson, Merry (2023): Data on the presence or absence of at least one geotagged Wikipedia page and/or Flickr photo, for designated areas in England. University of Reading. Dataset. https://doi.org/10.17864/1947.000516 Related publication: Crowson, M., N. J. B. Isaac, A. J. Wade, K. Norris, R. Freeman, and N. Pettorelli. 2023. Using geotagged crowdsourced data to assess the diverse socio-cultural values of conservation areas: England as a case study. Ecology and Society 28 (4). 28. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-14330-280428 Acknowledgements: N. J. B. Isaac, A. J. Wade, K. Norris, R. Freeman, and N. Pettorelli. 2. TERMS OF USE ------------ Copyright 2023 Crowson, M. This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.] 3. PROJECT AND FUNDING INFORMATION ------------ Title: Capitalising on the Big Data era: establishing a multi-source monitoring framework for England’s natural capital assets and flows (PhD project, University of Reading) Dates: 2018-2024 Funding organisation: NERC, through the QMEE DTP Grant no.: NERC grant number NE/R012229/1 4. CONTENTS ------------ wiki_flickr_designated_area_data.csv wiki_flickr_designated_area_data.rds This is the same dataset in two different formats. The .csv file is a comma separated file that can be opened by most word processing programmes, spreadsheet programmes and GIS. The file contains row numbers in addition to the “ID” variable. The .rds file can be opened using the programming language "R", using readRDS). I have included it as it facilitates reproducible research and I make use of it in the code associated with this dataset. There are a total of 6349 entries in the dataset, with 17 variables. Variables in the dataset: "ID": Unique identifier for each entry "REFERENCE": Unique identifier for the designated area "SITENAME": Name of the designated area "STATUS": Status of the designated area (e.g. National Park, SSSI, etc) "wiki_T_F": Presence or absence of at least one geotagged Wikipedia page in the designated area (Categorical with two levels 1= presence 0 = absence) "Fli_T_F": Presence or absence of at least one geotagged Flickr photo in the designated area (Categorical with two levels 1= presence 0 = absence) "Area_Km2_log": Log of the area of the designated area "coastal_co": Coastal location of the designated area (categorical with two levels, 1 = coastal 0 = not coastal) "h_max": Maximum height in the designated area (in meters) "waterbody_T_F": Presence of at least one waterbody (categorical with two levels, 1 = waterbody present in designated area, 0 = no waterbody) "riv_T_F": Presence of at least one river (categorical with two levels, 1 = at least one river in the designated area, 0 = no rivers) "log_distance_1": Log of the distance to the closest major town or city "log_public_transport_1": Log of the number of public transport links "pop_density_max": Population density (number of persons per square kilometer). "biodi_100_comb": Species richness of birds, butterflies, and vascular plants. "coords.x1": Northing of the centroid of the designated area. "coords.x2": Easting of the centroid of the designated area. 5. METHODS ----------- The information on geotagged Wikipedia pages was accessed via a dump (https://dumps.wikimedia.org/enwiki/). A spatial filter was applied in QGIS to select the pages within designated areas. The information on geotagged Flickr photos was collated using the Flickr application programming interface (API), which was queried to create a dataset of photos taken within designated areas between 2016 and 2019. A spatial filter was applied in QGIS to select the photos taken within designated areas. No individuals are identifiable from this data. The characteristics of the designated areas were acquired from various datasets. For detailed information on the data sources and steps of the analysis, see the corresponding publication: Crowson, M., N. J. B. Isaac, A. J. Wade, K. Norris, R. Freeman, and N. Pettorelli. 2023. Using geotagged crowdsourced data to assess the diverse socio-cultural values of conservation areas: England as a case study. Ecology and Society XX(YY):ZZ.(Accepted) This study uses data from the following sources: Dyer, R., & Oliver, T. (2016). UK ecological status map version 2. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.5285/58b248a8-6e34-4ffb-ae32-3744566399a2 Jarvis A., H.I. Reuter, A. Nelson, E. Guevara, 2008, Hole-filled seamless SRTM data V4, International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), available from https://srtm.csi.cgiar.org. JNCC (2022) Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Ramsar sites in the UK. Retreived from https://jncc.gov.uk/our-work/uk-protected-area-datasets-for-download/ Natural England (2019) National Parks boundaries. Retrieved from https://www.data.gov.uk/dataset/334e1b27-e193-4ef5-b14e-696b58bb7e95/national-parks-england#licence-info Natural England (2017) SSSI boundaries. Retrieved from https://naturalengland-defra.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/Defra::sites-of-special-scientific-interest-england/about Office for National Statistics. (2015). Major Towns and Cities (December 2015) Boundaries V2. Retrieved from https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/ons::major-towns-and-cities-december-2015-boundaries-v2/about Office for National Statistics. (2019). Countries (December 2019) Boundaries UK BFE. Retrieved from https://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/countries-december-2019-boundaries-uk-bfe?geometry=-31.281%2C51.101%2C26.419%2C59.782 OpenStreetMap. (2020). OpenStreetMap Data in Layered GIS Format. Retrieved from http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/great-britain/england-latest-free.shp.zip SEDAC. (2018). Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v4. Retrieved from https://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/data/collection/gpw-v4/documentation