library(ape) library(readr) library(tidyverse) library(cowplot) library(nlme) library(MuMIn) #Set WD - to wherever data is downloaded setwd() ####Import .csv#### RangeFilling <- read_csv("RangeFillingData.csv") ####Reorder Factors#### RangeFilling$Lecty<-factor(RangeFilling$Lecty, levels = c("Polylectic", "Oligolectic","No Lectic Status")) RangeFilling$Overwintering<-factor(RangeFilling$Overwintering, levels = c("Prepupa", "Adult within cocoon","Adult (female only)")) #Create tree - Visit #Select "Download subtree as Newick string" Tree<-read.tree("subtree-node-ott419526-Apoidea.tre") Tree <- compute.brlen(Tree, power=1) #Format tip.labels to match RangeFilling$Species format Tree$tip.label <- sub("_ott.*", "", Tree$tip.label) Tree$tip.label <- gsub("_", " ", Tree$tip.label) # Subset Tree to include species in the RangeFilling Dataset species_in_dataframe <- RangeFilling$Species row_numbers_to_include <- c(11715, 11302, 11389, 7287, 819, 930, 734, 639, 947, 10506, 7975) subsetted_data_frame <- Tree$tip.label[row_numbers_to_include, drop = FALSE] matching_tips <- which(Tree$tip.label %in% species_in_dataframe| Tree$tip.label %in% subsetted_data_frame) Tree <- drop.tip(Tree, tip = setdiff(Tree$tip.label, Tree$tip.label[matching_tips])) #View Tree plot(Tree) #Run PGLS Regression analysis model<-gls(LogPercent ~ Habitat.Breadth + Lecty + Overwintering + ITD, data=RangeFilling, correlation=corPagel(1, phy = Tree, form = ~Species)) summary(model) AICc(model) ####Plot Model#### a<-ggplot(RangeFilling, aes(x = Lecty, y = LogPercent))+ geom_boxplot()+ theme_bw()+ labs(x = "Lecty", y = "log(Climate envelope\n filled (%))") b<-ggplot(RangeFilling, aes(x = Overwintering, y = LogPercent))+ geom_boxplot()+ theme_bw()+ labs(x = "Overwintering Stage", y = "log(Climate envelope\n filled (%))") c<-ggplot(RangeFilling, aes(x = ITD, y = LogPercent))+ geom_point()+ geom_smooth(method="lm")+ theme_bw()+ labs(x = "Mean Intertegular Distance (mm)", y = "log(Climate envelope\n filled (%))") plot_grid(a,b,c, ncol = 1)