1. An expert audience of academics and private sector workers who make decisions based on natural hazard information were targeted by handing a paper version of the survey to attendees of three atmospheric science and hazard workshops and one research group meeting at the University of Reading in spring 2016. 49 participants were recruited in this manner. 2. Public respondents were recruited through an online survey. The online survey link was posted onto social media. In addition, the public could take the survey online on an iPad at University of Reading public events or while they were entering the University of Reading library. 72 participants were recruited in this manner. 3. Expert audiences of further academics, people in the private sector, and forecasters were recruited through snowball sampling through personalised emails sent to partners of the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) Probability, Uncertainty & Risk in the Environment (PURE) partners including those working in insurance, energy, non-profits, private forecasting companies, and the UK Met Office. 99 participants were recruited in this manner.