The dataset comprises high resolution (0.0375 degrees) satellite-derived daily rainfall estimates for all Africa from January 1983 to December 2016 (data from 2017 onwards can be downloaded from the TAMSAT website: The dataset is derived from TAMSAT Version 3.0 pentadal (5-day) rainfall estimates (1983-present). Although the principle features of the TAMSAT rainfall estimation approach have remained the same in generating TAMSAT Version 3.0, the calibration used in Version 3.0 differs markedly to Version 2.0 and is designed to better capture local variations in the rainfall climate while reducing problems associated with Version 2.0. Additionally, the timestep for the primary rainfall estimate is 5-day (pentad) in Version 3.0, compared to 10-day (dekad) in Version 2.0. Further details can be found on the TAMSAT website.