This archive contains all data and software supporting (and required to reproduce) the results of “Ocean stratification impedes particulate transport to the plumes of Enceladus”. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ocean General Circulation model (MITgcm) is configured for the study of Enceladus – an ice-covered, ocean-bearing moon of Saturn. Simulations are performed in a 2D latitude-depth configuration to investigate the presence of stratification within Enceladus’ ocean, and explicitly determine the transport timescale of hydrothermally-derived tracers to Enceladus’ south polar ice-ocean interface. Numerical solutions are compared with analytical solutions from a theoretical model. Included in this archive are: - Raw outputs from the MITgcm simulations, performed across ranges in ocean mean salinity, effective vertical diffusivity and GM (i.e., eddy) diffusivity. - Processed MITgcm outputs used to produce all figures in the main text and supplementary material. - A copy of the MITgcm version 68q used to produce the raw data. - Configuration files used to configure the MITgcm for the study of Enceladus. Includes pickup files for one example equilibrated simulation. - Python scripts used to process the MITgcm raw data and to compute the analytical solutions. - Python scripts used to produce all figures presented in the main text and supplementary material. - The conda environment used to successfully run the Python code.