This dataset supports the PhD thesis 'Predicted consequences of population asynchrony arising from climate warming in aphid-parasitoid systems', where I parameterise the Rosenzweig-MacArthur model with temperature dependent variables using published data to investigate how differences in thermal adaptation affect interactions between crop pests and their parasitoids in a changing climate. I determine the relative importance of temperature-dependence in the model variables, and I introduce a new model parameter to explore the importance of asynchrony in development rate between species. I then explore temperature variability in these models to explore the impacts of diurnal and seasonal variation on pest-parastoid dynamics and predict outcomes under a full range of climate model projections for alternative climate change scenarios. Finally, I experimentally tested some of the model assumptions under laboratory conditions. This dataset contains data associated with all four data chapters of the above named thesis. The datasets contain calculated temperature dependent rates of all five variables of the Rosenzweig-MacArthur model, along with additional temperature dependent rates for the variables we added to the model.