The dataset contains ion mobility-mass spectrometry data used for figures in the article, 'Atmospheric pressure ultraviolet laser desorption and ionization from liquid samples for native mass spectrometry', submitted for review in Summer 2019 by Hale and Cramer. Files in the root of the folder relate to figures 1 (native and denatured HEWL ions) and 2 (arrival time distribution plots for the ions shown in figure 1) in the article. Files in the 'HEWL CIU' folder were used for the CIU figures (showcasing unfolding of folded HEWL ions) in the supporting information. Data in 'Data_Sep_2019' were collected in September 2019 after initial review of the article. Data were collected for the proteins ubiquitin (Ubi), myoglobin (Myo) and concanavalin A (ConA) under native conditions. Ubiquitin and myoglobin data were also acquired under denaturing conditions for calibration of the TWIMS device.