Archaeological radiocarbon dated material to estimate changes in population size has been widely used, based on the 'dates as data' approach. This approach links the quantity of radiocarbon dated material with approximate population density for an area. Additionally, archaeological radiocarbon data is often associated with particular cultures and can thus be used, for example, to identify the start of Neolithic agriculture at a specific site. Here we present a dataset of radiocarbon dated archaeological material for the Iberian Peninsula, covering the Holocene period. The datafile includes basic information for each radiocarbon dated archaelogical item (e.g. longitude, latitude, elevation, archaeological site name and dataset citation), age and dating information (e.g. radiocarbon age, radiocarbon age error, lab identification code, INTCAL curve type and marine offset information) and item information (e.g. material type, whether the culture from which the items was draft was Neolithic). There are 6,343 individual items within the dataset.