In order to study the energy flow in the climate system, the radiative fluxes (OLR: Outgoing Longwave Radiation, ASR: Absorbed Solar Radiation, NET: Net Radiative Flux) at the top of atmosphere (TOA) prior to the CERES (Clouds and the Earth�s Radiant Energy System) period have been reconstructed using satellite observations of CERES v4.1 and ERBS WFOV v3.0 (Earth Radiation Budget Experiment Satellite Wide Field Of View), atmospheric reanalysis (ERA5: the fifth generation ECMWF ReAnalysis) and AMIP6 (the sixth phase of the coupled model intercomparison project) model simulations. The new approach using the mass-corrected atmospheric energy divergencies (transports) and consistent enthalpy treatment of water substances is employed to estimate the net surface energy fluxes. This is version 5.0 of the DEEP-C dataset. CERES version 4.1 and ERBS WFOV version 3.0 are used. The TOA flux anomaly is constrained by WFOV anomaly in each 10 degree x 10 degree grid box. The atmospheric energy transport is based on the new enthalpy treatment of water substances described in Mayer et al. (2017), 'Toward consistent diagnostics of the coupled atmosphere and ocean energy budgets', Journal of Climate 30(22): 9225-9246.