Mairs, Rachel (Forthcoming) Arabic Dialogues: Phrasebooks and the Learning of Colloquial Arabic 1798-1945. London: UCL Press. Mairs, Rachel (Forthcoming) "Muhammad Anton Hassan: Teaching Spoken Arabic in Vienna, 1852-1876," in Richard Smith and Sabine Doff (eds.), Grounded Histories of Language Teaching: 16th�20th Centuries, Amsterdan: Amsterdam University Press. Mairs, Rachel (forthcoming) "�Like the bleating of a goat": Teaching foreigners to pronounce the 'difficult' Arabic consonants (1798-1945)," in Sarah Irving, Rachel Mairs and Karène Sanchez Summerer (eds.), Colonial Vocabularies: Teaching and Learning Arabic in Europe 1870-1970, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Mairs, Rachel (forthcoming) "Singara Devi Chenapa � Mersha Chinnappa: Investigating a female author of a military Arabic phrasebook," in Sabine Doff, Giovanni Iamartino and Rachel Mairs (eds.), Women in the History of Language Learning and Teaching, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Mairs, Rachel (2023) "Fantasy and Dissimulation in the Life-Writing of Getzel Zelikovits (1855-1926)," Life Writing.