Browse by Funders

Adair, Lily R. and Cramer, Rainer (2024): Dataset to support 'LAP-MALDI MS analysis of amelogenin from teeth for biological sex estimation'. University of Reading. Dataset.
Adair, Lily R. and Cramer, Rainer (2025): Dataset to support 'Rapid and accurate biological sex estimation by LAP-MALDI MS analysis of child teeth'. University of Reading. Dataset.
Adair, Lily R. and Cramer, Rainer (2023): Dataset to support improved peptide and protein database search scores in chimeric MS/MS spectra. University of Reading. Dataset.
Bloomfield, Hannah and Brayshaw, David (2021): ERA5 derived time series of European aggregated surface weather variables, wind power, and solar power capacity factors: hourly data from 1950-2020. University of Reading. Dataset.
Bloomfield, Hannah and Brayshaw, David (2021): Future climate projections of surface weather variables, wind power, and solar power capacity factors across North-West Europe. University of Reading. Dataset.
Challen, Bob, Adair, Lily R. and Cramer, Rainer (2024): Dataset to support 'Liquid atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (LAP-MALDI) mass spectrometry using a commercial ion source and Orbitrap mass analyzer'. University of Reading. Dataset.
Coceal, Omduth and Hertwig, Denise (2017): Direct numerical simulations of turbulent flow over groups of buildings: DIPLOS-DNS-1. University of Reading. Dataset.
Daneshzand, Farzaneh (2023): Electric Vehicle smart charging simulation and dispatch - code and configuration data. University of Reading. Software.
Dean, Daniel (2015): Topology Reconfiguration in Distributed Echo State Networks. University of Reading. Dataset.
Deng, Jie (2019): Data for 'Infrared radiative performance of urban trees: spatial distribution and interspecific comparison among ten species in the UK by in-situ spectroscopy'. University of Reading. Dataset.
Deng, Jie (2018): Source codes of MATLAB program for the dynamic thermophysical process modelling of a typical 3-occupant residential apartment in the HSCW zone. University of Reading. Software.
Dunster, Joanne (2017): ResOfInflam: code to implement a mathematical model of the resolution of inflammation. University of Reading. Software.
Geher-Herczegh, Tunde (2023): Time-lapse imaging datasets of Belousov-Zhabotinsky self-oscillating hydrogels under cyclic mechanical compressions. University of Reading. Dataset.
Gough, Hannah, Barlow, Janet and Halios, Christos (2018): All metadata for ventilation measurements undertaken during the Refresh cube campaign (RCC) at Silsoe, UK. University of Reading. Dataset.
Gough, Hannah, Barlow, Janet, Halios, Christos and King, Marco-Felipe (2019): Comparison of Silsoe Refresh Cube Campaign (RCC) Full-scale, Wind tunnel and CFD methodologies. University of Reading. Dataset.
Gough, Hannah, Barlow, Janet, Halios, Christos and Luo, Zhiwen (2018): 30 minute averaged overview data from the Silsoe Refresh Cube Campaign (RCC). University of Reading. Dataset.
Gough, Hannah, Luo, Zhiwen and Faulknall-Mills, Samuel (2019): Royal Berkshire Hospital Maternity building temperature measurements (July-August 2018). University of Reading. Dataset.
Hale, Oliver and Cramer, Rainer (2017): Dataset supporting collision-induced dissociation of doubly-charged barium-cationized lipids by AP-MALDI MS. University of Reading. Dataset.
Hale, Oliver and Cramer, Rainer (2019): Dataset to support AP-MALDI native ion mobility-mass spectrometry using liquid samples. University of Reading. Dataset.
Hale, Oliver and Cramer, Rainer (2018): Dataset to support liquid AP-MALDI MS profiling for mastitis detection. University of Reading. Dataset.
Hale, Oliver, Ryumin, Pavel and Cramer, Rainer (2018): Dataset supporting research into the production and analysis of multiply charged negative ions by atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation mass spectrometry. University of Reading. Dataset.
Hu, Guannan and Dance, Sarah (2021): MATLAB code for the localized Singular Value Decomposition approach of the Fast Multipole Method (the local SVD-FMM). University of Reading. Software.
Jiang, Lai (2017): Physical Indoor Environment, Occupants' Thermal Sensation and Required Cooling and Heating Load. University of Reading. Dataset.
Kinneen, Lois, Córdoba Suarez, Eric, Ramos-Pastrana, Yardany and Garratt, Michael (2023): Invertebrate data from malaise traps and sweep transects according to habitat type on farms in Caquetá, Colombia. University of Reading. Dataset.
Lellman, Sophie and Cramer, Rainer (2024): Dataset to support LAP-MALDI MS profiling and identification of biomarkers for the detection of bovine tuberculosis. University of Reading. Dataset.
Lellman, Sophie and Cramer, Rainer (2019): Dataset to support lipid profiling of bacteria using liquid AP-MALDI MS. University of Reading. Dataset.
Matthews, Gwyneth and Barnard, Christopher (2021): Post-processed reforecasts of the European Flood Awareness System and related evaluation data. University of Reading. Dataset.
Middlehurst, Gary (2018): Questionnaire survey results of respondents in four office buildings for post-occupancy evaluation. University of Reading. Dataset.
Needs, Sarah (2020): Data associated with the article ‘Remote videolink observation of model home sampling and home testing devices to simplify usability studies for point-of-care diagnostics’. University of Reading. Dataset.
Needs, Sarah and Edwards, Al (2019): Dataset associated with the article 'Exploiting Open Source 3D printer architecture for laboratory robotics to automate high-throughput time-lapse imaging for analytical microbiology'. University of Reading. Dataset.
Nicolaou, Nicoletta and Malik, Asad (2017): EEG data during 'peaceful' auditory processing at different tempi. University of Reading. Dataset.
Ryumin, Pavel and Cramer, Rainer (2016): Dataset supporting a project of developing a nanoHPLC-MALDI MS/MS workflow employing CID of multiply charged proteolytic peptides for bottom-up proteomics. University of Reading. Dataset.
Ryumin, Pavel and Cramer, Rainer (2017): Dataset supporting a project of developing and optimising sample preparation in liquid AP-MALDI. University of Reading. Dataset.
Shariati, Omid (2024): Elitist Genetic Algorithm (EGA)-based Energy Storage System (ESS)-facilitated Heavy Good Electric Vehicle (HGEV) charging station designer. University of Reading. Software.
Shariati, Omid and Smith, Stefan (2024): Heavy goods electric vehicle (HGEV) depot charging demand modelling software. University of Reading. Software.
Shariati, Omid and Smith, Stefan (2024): Heavy goods electric vehicle (HGEV) on-route charging demand modelling software. University of Reading. Software.
Shariati, Omid and Smith, Stefan (2024): Heavy goods electric vehicle (HGEV) price-managed depot charging demand modelling software. University of Reading. Software.
Stephens, Liz, Harrison, Mark, Spiegelhalter, David and Mylne, Ken (2019): Met Office Weather Game Survey 2011. University of Reading. Dataset.
Thompson, Rhys (2020): Accounting for variability in ULF wave radial diffusion models - numerical experiment results. University of Reading. Dataset.
Thompson, Rhys and Morley, Steven (2020): Pro-L*: probabilistic hourly L* values, with associated McIlwain Lm, magnetic field intensity B, and Cartesian coordinates for 7 global magnetic field models in the Northern Hemisphere in the period 2006-2016. University of Reading. Dataset.
Vandaele, Remy, Dance, Sarah and Ojha, Varun (2021): Deep learning for the estimation of water-levels using river cameras: networks and datasets. University of Reading. Dataset.
Weaver, James (2016): An Implicit Pictorial Report of Affective States. University of Reading. Dataset.