University of Reading Research Data Archive

EEG Data for Voluntary Finger Tapping Movement

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This dataset consists of EEG data recorded during voluntary asynchronous index finger tapping from 14 healthy individuals for investigating the temporal dynamics of EEG associated with motor intention. EEG was recorded using TruScan Deymed amplifier with 19 channels according to 10-20 international system for three conditions - right finger tap, left finger tap and resting state with sampling frequency of 1024Hz. 120 trials were collected per participant with 40 trials for each of the three conditions. This dataset consists of 6s EEG trials that were segmented after pre-processing and artefacts removal using Independent Component Analysis. Two additional channels are included containing finger tapping movement recorded using a bespoke microcontroller tapping device to mark the exact location of finger tap. The 6s trials were segmented from -3s to +3s with respect to the onset of the finger tap are included in this dataset.

Resource Type: Dataset
Creators: Wairagkar, Maitreyee ORCID logoORCID:
Contributors: Nasuto, Slawomir, Hayashi, Yoshikatsu and Daly, Ian
Rights-holders: Maitreyee Wairagkar
Data Publisher: University of Reading
Publication Year: 2017
Data last accessed: 30 November 2024
Metadata Record URL:
Organisational units: Life Sciences > School of Biological Sciences > Department of Bio-Engineering
Participating Organisations: University of Reading
Keywords: EEG, voluntary movement, finger tapping, Brain Computer Interface, motor intention
Data Availability: OPEN


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