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Number of items: 56.


Alkan, Matthew Kaan (2021): Data in support of the thesis: Exploring the mechanistic rationale of plant-pollinator communication disruption by ozone. University of Reading. Dataset.

Atsawawaranunt, Kamolphat, Harrison, Sandy and Comas Bru, Laia (2018): SISAL (Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis Working Group) database Version 1.0. University of Reading. Dataset.

Aylmer, Jake R. (2024): Diagnostics from CMIP6, atmospheric reanalyses, and passive-microwave observations used to examine the impact of ocean heat transport on Arctic and Antarctic sea ice. University of Reading. Dataset.


Barnard, Luke, Harrison, Giles and Portas, Antonio (2016): The National Eclipse Weather Experiment Observations. University of Reading. Dataset.

Bateson, Adam (2021): Simulations of the Arctic sea ice comparing different approaches to modelling the floe size distribution and their respective impacts on the sea ice cover. University of Reading. Dataset.

Bateson, Adam (2019): Simulations with the sea ice model CICE investigating the impact of sea ice floe size distribution on seasonal Arctic sea ice retreat. University of Reading. Dataset.

Bentley, Sarah (2019): A probabilistic, empirical model of magnetospheric ultra-low frequency wave power. University of Reading. Dataset.

Buzzard, Samantha (2017): A Mathematical Model of Melt Lake Formation on an Ice Shelf. University of Reading. Software.

Byrom, Rachael and Shine, Keith (2022): Monthly-mean radiative forcings following an increase in methane from 750 ppb to 1800 ppb. University of Reading. Dataset.


Cleator, Sean, Harrison, Sandy, Nichols, Nancy, Prentice, Iain Colin and Roulstone, Ian (2020): A new multi-variable benchmark for Last Glacial Maximum climate simulations. University of Reading. Dataset.

Comas-Bru, Laia, Atsawawaranunt, Kamolphat, Harrison, Sandy and SISAL working group members (2020): SISAL (Speleothem Isotopes Synthesis and AnaLysis Working Group) database version 2.0. University of Reading. Dataset.

Craig, Philip (2023): Back trajectories released from ocean catchment boundaries. University of Reading. Dataset.

Craig, Philip (2019): Catchment boundaries of ocean drainage basins. University of Reading. Dataset.

Crowson, Merry (2023): Data on the presence or absence of at least one geotagged Wikipedia page and/or Flickr photo, for designated areas in England. University of Reading. Dataset.


Deng, Jie (2019): Data for 'Infrared radiative performance of urban trees: spatial distribution and interspecific comparison among ten species in the UK by in-situ spectroscopy'. University of Reading. Dataset.


Fallon, James, Brayshaw, David, Methven, John, Jensen, Kjeld and Krug, Louise (2024): MERRA2 derived time series of GB telecommunications infrastructure electricity load, using historical daily surface temperature. University of Reading. Dataset.

Fallon, James, Brayshaw, David, Methven, John, Jensen, Kjeld and Krug, Louise (2024): Model of GB telecommunications electricity load using UKCP18 climate projections. University of Reading. Dataset.

Flocco, Dani, Feltham, Danny and Schroeder, David (2024): Simulations with the ocean - sea ice model NEMOv3.6 and CICEv5.1 to study the impact of internal wave drag. University of Reading. Dataset.


Garratt, Michael, Fountain, Michelle T, McKerchar, Megan and Webber, Sean M (2016): Valuing insect pollinators for UK apple production. University of Reading. Dataset.

Garratt, Michael, O'Connor, Rory, Potts, Simon, Webber, Sean, Andersson, Georg, Garibaldi, Lucas, Bernauer, Olivia, Blitzer, Eleanor, Boreux, Virginie, Klein, Alex, Pufal, Gesine, Roquer-Beni, Laura, Bosch, Jordi, Campbell, Alistair, Wäckers, Felix, de Groot, Arjen, Kirkitadze, Giorgi, Japoshvili, George, Kovács-Hostyánszki, Aniko, Földesi, Rita, Martins, Kyle, Miñarro, Marcos, García, Daniel, Paxton, Robert, Zhusupbaeva, Aigul, Scott, Lorraine, Radzeviciute, Rita, Samnegård, Ulrika, Hambäck, Peter and Vereecken, Nicolas (2021): Apple fruit set and quality under contrasting pollination treatments for multiple apple varieties from multiple countries. University of Reading. Dataset.

Grimmond, Sue, Lindberg, Fredrik, Allen, Lucy, Yogeswaran, N and Kotthaus, Simone (2018): LUCY: Large scale Urban Consumption of Energy. University of Reading. Software.

Gu, Jian-Feng, Plant, Bob, Holloway, Chris and Muetzelfeldt, Mark (2020): Data supporting 'Pressure drag for shallow cumulus clouds: from thermals to cloud ensemble'. University of Reading. Dataset.


Harrison, Giles, Marlton, Graeme, Nicoll, Keri, Airey, Martin and Williams, Paul (2017): Supplementary data for Note: A self-calibrating wide range balloon electrometer. University of Reading. Dataset.

Harrison, Sandy (2017): BIOME 6000 DB classified plotfile version 1. University of Reading. Dataset.

Harrison, Sandy and Marinova, Elena (2017): EMBSeCBIO modern pollen biomisation. University of Reading. Dataset.

Harvey, Natalie and Cooke, Michael (2020): Outputs from a volcanic ash transport and dispersion model (NAME), source inversion system (InTEM) and SEVIRI satellite retrievals for the 2011 Grímsvötn eruption. University of Reading. Dataset.

Harvey, Natalie and Dacre, Helen (2018): Outputs from a multi-level emulation of a volcanic ash transport and dispersion model to quantify sensitivity to uncertain parameters. University of Reading. Dataset.

Harvey, Natalie, Herzog, Michael and Webster, Helen (2024): Outputs from a volcanic ash transport and dispersion model (NAME), plume model (ATHAM) and source inversion system (InTEM) for phase 7 of the 2019 Raikoke eruption. University of Reading. Dataset.

Harvey, Natalie and Saint, Cameron (2021): Outputs from a volcanic ash transport and dispersion model (NAME), source inversion system (InTEM) and Himawari satellite retrievals for the 2019 Raikoke eruption. University of Reading. Dataset.

Haughan, Alice and Senapathi, Deepa (2022): Changes in climate trends and velocities, forest loss and population density between 2001-2018 in India's districts. University of Reading. Dataset.


Johnston, Alice (2017): Input, validation and output data for the mechanistic earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) population model, EEEworm. University of Reading. Dataset.

Jones, Tomos (2024): A botanist’s perspective on invasive ornamental plants: supporting data for research involving Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland (BSBI) vice-county recorders exploring invasive species. University of Reading. Dataset.

Jones, Tomos (2024): A case study from the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Chelsea Flower Show looking at increasing awareness of invasive species through public engagement. University of Reading. Dataset.


Liu, Chunlei and Allan, Richard (2022): Reconstructions of the radiation fluxes at the top of atmosphere and net surface energy flux: DEEP-C Version 5.0. University of Reading. Dataset.

Liu, Chunlei and Allan, Richard (2017): Reconstructions of the radiation fluxes at top of atmosphere and net surface energy flux in the period 1985-2015 from DEEP-C project. University of Reading. Dataset.


Melia, Nathanael (2015): Improved Arctic sea ice thickness projections using bias corrected CMIP5 simulations. University of Reading. Dataset.

Miller, Caleb and Harrison, Giles (2023): Measurements from the Reading University Atmospheric Observatory, 1997-2023. University of Reading. Dataset.

Moreton, Sophia and Roberts, Malcolm (2021): An eddy tracking dataset for N512-12, N216-12 and N216-025 model configurations of HadGEM3-GC3.1. University of Reading. Dataset.

Mulder, Kelsey, Charlton-Perez, Andrew, Black, Alison and McCloy, Rachel (2016): Interviews of Experts in Decision Making: Robust Assessment and Communication of Environmental Risk (RACER). University of Reading. Dataset.

Mulder, Kelsey, Charlton-Perez, Andrew, Black, Alison, McCloy, Rachel and Lickiss, Matthew (2016): Volcanic Ash Workshop Survey Results. University of Reading. Dataset.

Mulder, Kelsey, Lickiss, Matthew, Black, Alison, Charlton-Perez, Andrew and McCloy, Rachel (2018): Vegetable Shipping Line Graph Testing Survey. University of Reading. Dataset.

Mulder, Kelsey, Williams, Louis, Lickiss, Matthew, Black, Alison, Charlton-Perez, Andrew, McCloy, Rachel and McSorley, Eugene (2018): Eye Tracking of Vegetable Shipping Line Graph Testing Survey. University of Reading. Dataset.


Nicoll, Keri, Airey, Martin, Harrison, Giles, Marlton, Graeme and Williams, Paul (2018): Supplementary data for "First observations of gaseous volcanic plume electrification: a new source of charge for volcanic lightning". University of Reading. Dataset.

Nicoll, Keri and Harrison, Giles (2022): Cloud electricity measurements over Halley, Antarctica. University of Reading. Dataset.

Nicoll, Keri and Harrison, Giles (2016): Observed variability in charging of stratiform cloud edges. University of Reading. Dataset.


Prata, Andrew, Dacre, Helen, Klingaman, Emma and Shine, Keith (2018): Ash dosage and concentration risk dataset. University of Reading. Dataset.


Rolph, Rebecca, Feltham, Danny and Schroeder, David (2020): Sea ice concentration data produced from a simulation with the sea ice model CICE-CPOM-2019, including a prognostic floe size distribution model to study the Marginal Ice Zone. University of Reading. Dataset.

Ryalls, James (2024): Data from: Diesel exhaust and ozone adversely affect pollinators and parasitoids within flying insect communities. University of Reading. Dataset.


Schroeder, David (2018): Simulations with the sea ice model CICE documenting the impact of improved sea ice physics. University of Reading. Dataset.

Stewart, Kerry (2023): Data supporting the article 'Functional diversity metrics can perform well with highly incomplete datasets'. University of Reading. Dataset.


Toll, Velle and Bellouin, Nicolas (2019): Polluted cloud tracks detected in MODIS satellite images. University of Reading. Dataset.


Watt, Clare, Allison, Hayley, Glauert, Sarah and Meredith, Nigel (2019): PADIE diffusion coefficients for plasmaspheric hiss. University of Reading. Dataset.

Webber, Chris (2018): The synoptic meteorology driving the UK’s largest pollution episodes. University of Reading. Dataset.

Westbrook, Chris (2017): Radar data in mixed-phase case studies. University of Reading. Dataset.

Woden, Ben (2018): Raw and processed neutron reflectometry and infrared spectroscopy data for oxidation of galactocerebroside monolayers. University of Reading. Dataset.


Young, Matthew, Heinrich, Viola and Black, Emily (2020): Skillful spatial scales and representativity of seasonal rainfall forecasts over Africa. University of Reading. Dataset.

This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 01:03:41 2025 GMT.