University of Reading Research Data Archive

Partial eclipse, 20 March 2015: Met Office Unified Model simulations

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Simulations of the impact of the partial eclipse on 20 March 2015 on UK weather using the Met Office's UKV configuration of the MetUM forecast model.

The data were generated using the 'UKV' variable resolution forecast model in precisely the configuration used by the Met Office on the day of the eclipse. The simulations are based on version 9.0 of the Met Office's Unified Model (MetUM The precise configuration is designated in the Met Office as 'Parallel Suite 35' (PS35), which includes a new dynamical core (ENDGAME) based upon iterative solution, and a 'blended' version of the boundary-layer scheme (in the high-resolution model), the main impact of which, at these resolutions, is to use horizontal mixing based upon that diagnosed in the vertical direction within the boundary layer.

Two runs were performed, detailed in the paper: Clark, P. (2016) Numerical simulations of the impact of the 20 March 2015 eclipse on UK weather. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. Part A. ISSN 1364-503X (in press). Both use initial and boundary conditions used by the 03 UTC run of UKV on 20/03/2015. One run reproduces the operational run, taking no account of the eclipse, the second includes the simulated impact of the eclipse on n incoming solar radiation.

Resource Type: Dataset
Creators: Clark, Peter
Rights-holders: University of Reading
Data Publisher: University of Reading
Publication Year: 2016
Data last accessed: 22 February 2025
Metadata Record URL:
Organisational units: Science > School of Mathematical, Computational and Physical Sciences > Department of Meteorology
Participating Organisations: University of Reading
Keywords: NWP, eclipse, weather
Data Availability: OPEN


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