University of Reading Research Data Archive

One-to-one Chromebook technology and student engagement in the independent secondary school classroom: a case study

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This data was collected from an independent, co-educational secondary school in the United Kingdom, for children aged 11 to 18 years old. The aim was to understand student and teacher perceptions of one-to-one Chromebook use, not in the initial stages of a Chromebook initiative, but when the Chromebooks had been used in this case study school for over four years. Data was collected in two stages. The first stage involved the collection of survey data. Students and teachers were invited by the Head teacher to complete the survey and 168 students, and 43 teachers completed this in full. The survey was shared and completed online using Google Forms. The survey collected demographic data about students and teachers as well as asking questions connected to the construct of engagement with Chromebook technology, which revealed the perceptions of both students and teachers. The data generated is both qualitative and quantitative in nature. The initial analysis of the survey data informed stage two of the research which involved four focus group meetings with students from the school, involving two groups of three and two groups of two students (n=10) and four semi-structured interviews with teachers from the same school (n=4). The focus groups and interviews probed for more detail on the key issues that had been raised by the survey data. The focus groups and interviews were audio-recorded and then transcribed before being analysed using Nvivo12. The data in its whole reveals an insight into the perceptions of both students and teachers for comparison, to understand if both groups view student engagement in the same way.

Resource Type: Dataset
Creators: Falshaw, Edward
Rights-holders: Edward R. Falshaw
Data Publisher: University of Reading
Publication Year: 2023
Data last accessed: 12 March 2025
Metadata Record URL:
Organisational units: Arts, Humanities and Social Science > Institute of Education
Participating Organisations: University of Reading
Keywords: engagement, one-to-one, Chromebook
Data Availability: OPEN


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